Friday, March 22, 2013

Learning at Their Pace


Geometry Honors

Objective: To learn the Area and Perimeter of Parallelograms and Triangles

Differentiation: The lesson was student lead instead of teacher led. Each pair went at their own pace and asked questions as needed.  

Programs/Software Used:

                                      iPads: used the smart notebook app and the Qrafter app

                                      ThinkPads: none (no smart notebook app)

Description: Students downloaded the examples that we would normally work as a class on the smart board. They worked the problem within the smart notebook app and got an answer. They then found the problem on the wall and scanned the QR code that went with the answer they got (it was multiple choice so they scanned answer A, B, C, or D). Then Qrafter told them if they were right (then they moved on to the next one) or if they were wrong (then they found their mistake or asked me to give them a hint).

Reflection: I love love how this turned out. The students were so much more engaged than in a normal lesson setting. How often do you teach a lesson and every student does every problem on their own before you explain it to them? Rare. The students took ownership of their learning and went at the pace appropriate for them. They enjoyed it too! I would and will definitely “teach” a lesson in this manner again.

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